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Green Apples

 Snack and Lunch Club


We offer the children a healthy and interesting snack every day. The weekly snack menu can be found on the notice board.  Fruit is served every day, and other examples of snacks include oatcakes and cheese, breadsticks and hummus and cereal with milk.

The children choose between milk or water to drink. The choice of snack is also sometimes linked to the current Playgroup topic or a particular celebration, such as Diwali or Chinese New Year.

Please do not send children to Playgroup with snacks from home as this may cause a problem for any children with allergies.  Please inform us if your child has an allergy or if there is anything your child cannot eat for dietary or cultural reasons. 

During a session, we either have snack all together, or a ‘rolling snack’, depending on the day’s events. Rolling snack gives your child the choice of when to come to the snack table – after all, there is nothing worse than being interrupted in the middle of a game!       

If you wish your child to celebrate their birthday with their friends at Playgroup, then we are more than happy to do this. Although we do not allow sweets and chocolates, you may provide a birthday cake (a plain sponge if possible) if you wish. This must be shop bought, as we need to be able to check the ingredients due to allergies some children may suffer.


Lunch Club

After Wednesday Playgroup sessions we also run a lunch club for children ready to sit and eat lunch with their friends.  Lunch club runs from 12:20-1:30pm (subject to minimum numbers). Children bring along a packed lunch at the start of the session and eat under the supervision of our play leaders.

Lunch club costs £6.50 per week adhoc or £5.50 per week if signed up for the term. The sign-up sheet for lunch club is on the notice board in the foyer.

Please avoid chocolate, nuts and sweets in the children’s lunches.

Snack & Lunch Club: About Us
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